Penn Square funds are designed to provide individual and institutional investors access to well diversified institutional portfolios otherwise accessible only to the largest global investors.
Penn Square Real Estate Group, LLC was founded in 2006 with the mission to create institutional real estate funds that allow high net worth investors and small to mid-sized institutions access to best-in-class real estate managers. Private equity real estate is typically reserved for investors with large allocations while accredited investors and qualified purchasers are not afforded access to top-performing private real estate in a well-balanced portfolio due to high minimum investments.
Penn Square's innovative model has allowed investors to take advantage of real estate opportunities regardless of market cycles. Penn Square’s bespoke funds focus on global and domestic real estate markets that will seek to capitalize opportunistically through the cycle with the objective of delivering to investors superior risk-adjusted returns. Serving the needs of top investors for over a decade, Penn Square’s suite of real estate offerings continues to expand.

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